Consulting and technical-legal advice

Service in the field of judicial and teaching action. Participation and drafting of regulatory documents. Design of acoustic management instruments in municipal and supra-municipal action plans.

Consulting service and technical-legal advice

Having been able to participate in all the regulatory development, whether at state, regional or local level, has allowed us to operate with a broad perspective of action. This background is one of our main competitive advantages. It allows us to deeply analyze any problem related to pollution and noise management.

Thus, we have had to address innovative challenges that have allowed us, in many cases, a pioneering and careful perspective of approach that has facilitated the successful resolution of the situations raised. The requirements, both in the judicial field and in that of consultancy, inspection and evaluation commissioned by the public administration, are constant and have established precedent and doctrine.

The recognition of ENAC accreditation has allowed us to work for decades, as accredited judicial experts in the field of noise pollution registered in the Superior Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands.

Litigation of international impact such as that of the criminal claim against the pianist Laia Martín that reached the Spanish Supreme Court and established jurisprudence, facilitating from then on that no musician could be sued criminally in this way. It was one of our interventions that most satisfied us professionally and humanly, being able to highlight the paramount importance of the technical test. Especially when what is at stake is the request for deprivation of liberty (7.5 years in prison for the defendant and 7.5 years also for her parents having paid for her piano degree). To be able to demonstrate, thanks above all to the fine legal expertise of fellow lawyer Marc Molins, after more than 10 years of threat of conviction, that any complaint lacked foundation and was even based on falsified reports, at the end of the journey is more than comforting and puts justice in its rightful place.

Consequently, as technical experts, we must be skilled analyzers and managers of the implementation of regulatory instruments, in collaboration with the public administration, as guarantors in ensuring and guaranteeing regulatory compliance. As a society we have equipped ourselves with these regulatory instruments proposed from two essential pillars: that of guaranteeing coexistence and that of developing compatibility and cohabitation of uses, which allow a harmonious understanding, where respect must always be the key vector.

Thus, it is up to us to attend and defend affected citizens as activities, who must always know how to operate within regulatory frameworks as a guarantee of good and correct operation. Citizens have every right to rest and a healthy sound environment. Just as activities and infrastructures have every right to operate as long as they respect the normatively established sound immission values. To achieve this goal, it is essential that we all apply the evaluation and management tools in a precise, identical way and without interpretations that distort them, since otherwise all parties lose out and society as a whole does too.
