
AVALUA, as a laboratory and acoustic engineering, has evolved in different services, based on maintenance of the procedures established in the quality system implemented by accreditation.

Operational methodology of the service

Our scope of action encompasses the entire cycle in the field of applied acoustics.

Analysis, diagnosis, prescription, execution, and certification of response, to solve any problem or forecast of new action.

All with the guarantee of technical, objective, and impartial rigor justified through standardized tests, sound response modeling, and other justifying evidence that allows the certification of any item of study.

This certification can be permanent and continuous over time. Current technological tools have allowed us to conceive a totally innovative monitoring system. We have been pioneers in continuous certification based on the experience of accredited procedures.

Our philosophy of action is to be able to give a comprehensive response to any need for acoustic application, whether business or responsibility of the public administration. It is not only the technical aspect but also from the legal and social response perspective.

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Acoustic engineering. Unique and differentiating projects

An action perspective focused on permanent innovation; with rigorous execution and based on the extensive and qualified experience in the field of acoustic engineering. Essential to achieve differentiating objectives and high added value.

Laboratory accredited by ENAC in the field of acoustics

Laboratory accredited by ENAC, with no. 887/LE1774.

EVALUA-SiMSo, Sonometric Monitoring System

Sonometric monitoring system for the management, control, surveillance and continuous acoustic certification of activities and events.

Project Management Service

Achievement of the objectives for the materialization of projects with time and form.

Consulting service, technical and legal advice

Service in the field of judicial and teaching action. Participation and drafting of regulatory documents. Design of acoustic management instruments and municipal and supramunicipal action plans.