Source of information: Imam Comunicación
Bartomeu Rosselló i Boeres, engineer expert in applied acoustics and CEO and founder of AVALUA, will present the project Acoustically Sustainable Management in the Territory of Responsible Action Certificate (ASMTRA Certificate) during his participation in the 9th Edition of the International Nightlife Congress, which will be held together with the 4th Edition of the National Nightlife Congress on 27 and 28 November in Barcelona. It is a certification of quality, management and action that allows generating new dynamics of social transformation towards healthy and sustainable habits, through dialogue and involvement of all parties, administration, citizens and activities. Technological innovation together with the social one, since tools are established for the democratization of environmental information, facilitating its rapid response. “It uses continuous and real-time sonometric monitoring technology to guarantee, at all times, compliance with acoustic regulations within the nightlife sector of each territory”. This is explained by Rosselló i Boeres, whose company, AVALUA, Engineering and Test Laboratory accredited by the National Accreditation Body (ENAC), will facilitate the technical work of this initiative, promoted by the International Nightlife Association.

During the process, ASMTRA Certificate will carry out an in-depth analysis of each case to “become aware of the problems that exist, take appropriate actions aimed at improving coexistence and cohabitation of uses, act in prevention and monitor the traceability of response”, informs the expert, who highlights that the objective of this initiative is “to reorder and dignify” the nightlife sector. “The leisure sector is going down a very interesting evolutionary path. The great work carried out by the International Nightlife Association shows this, reordering and dignifying the sector with the intention of eliminating the negative stigmas that have been hindering it”, highlights the expert engineer in acoustics.
Criteria to evaluate
The verification of “compliance with the noise pollution management instruments legally established in the municipality”, as well as the “evaluation of the general policies of action in public health” and the existence or not of “an institutional figure that favors dialogue between the administration, companies in the sector and citizens”, such as that of the Mayor of the Night, These are some of the fundamental criteria to be evaluated by this acoustic management and control tool. In addition, the existence of a technological infrastructure for real-time and continuous sonometric monitoring in the municipality will be verified and a table of dialogue, monitoring and evolution of the policies and the indicated Action Plan will be established, according to each case. Then, a report will be provided assessing the satisfaction of the results and once the evaluation period and process have ended, the ASMTRA Certificate may be awarded.

Although the legislative and regulatory framework in Spain “is very clear”, in the expert’s opinion, he considers that good practice “is not consolidated due to a lack of harmonization and unification of criteria” since “not always, all administrations use the same measuring stick”. “If the International Nightlife Association has established the badges of quality and good practices for its members, generating a positive dynamic of the sector, now we must be able together to generate a context that favors the objective of sustainability and correct acoustic management in the territory or municipality where it operates that causes a transformation towards healthy habits”, highlights.
Aware that leisure activities must promote the socialization necessary for society, Bartomeu Rosselló i Boeres believes that, precisely for this reason, “there needs to be a paradigm shift”. “Leisure activities must be an example of coexistence and good practices in a transformation and innovation towards healthy leisure. This implies, among other issues, attending to the Noise Law whose object and core pillar is to guarantee harmonious coexistence together with compatibility and cohabitation of uses”, he clarifies.
At the moment, the ASMTRA Certificate initiative is operating in different municipalities of the peninsular east, both in “mature tourist areas” and in “municipalities with new plans”. Its implementation, according to the expert, is a process that requires a period of analysis and another of adaptation of at least one year. “It temporarily involves at least one year of characterization. Each casuistry will be particular, and progress will be made according to the contribution of action of the parties”, concludes the founder of AVALUA.
A program of great interest for entrepreneurs and representatives of public administrations
“Technological advances and formulas to guarantee coexistence and cohabitation of uses in nightlife” is the title of the round table discussion in which this expert will participate, which will take place within the framework of the first day of the International Nightlife Congress, on November 27. The panel will also feature the participation of Montserrat Surroca, commissioner for coexistence of the Barcelona City Council, Michael Kill, general director of the Nightlife Association of the United Kingdom (NTIA) and Ana Espinel, general director of Audiotec. This round table will be moderated by Jeroen Paymans, expert consultant in acoustics at Axiom Acoustic Consultants.
On the other hand, the implementation of measures to prevent sexual violence; the sector’s commitment to innovation and sustainability or the figure of women in nightlife will be other topics that will focus these consolidated meetings, whose registrations are already open for professionals in the field of nightlife from around the world through the website of the International Nightlife Association.
This international meeting, which will be held jointly with the 4th National Nightlife Congress, is sponsored by SGAE, BMAT, AGEDI-AIE, Preventia, Caryosa, Avalua, Where You At Ltd., Igualia, Das Audio, Geseme, Bull Group Seguridad, Grupo Of Course, Audiotec, Hosteleo y Linkers and with the collaboration of the Ministry of Tourism of the Government of Spain, Barcelona City Council, Generalitat de Catalunya, Consell Insular d’Eivissa, Appleton University, Gremi de Restauració de Barcelona, Asociación Mundial de Chefs, Ajuntament de Sant Josep de Sa Talaia, Ajuntament de Sant Antoni de Portmany and Ayuntamiento de La Nucía.